by webmaster | Oct 25, 2012
Events and News NEEDED: Shelter Volunteers St. Ann’s Seeking Volunteer Mentors Help Wanted! Family Crisis Center for PG...
by webmaster | Aug 10, 2012
Ladies of Charity of the Archidocese of Washington travel to Memphis, TN in 2004 for the LCUSA 4th Annual National Assembly.
by webmaster | Aug 10, 2012
The 1st Annual LCUSA National Assembly was hosted in 2001 by the Ladies of Charity of the Archdiocese of Washington Associations. Prior to 2001, the assemblies were held biennially.
by webmaster | Aug 10, 2012
Ladies of Charity of the Archdiocese of Washington travel to Nashville, TN for the 1986 LCUSA 13th Biennial National Assembly. (pictured from left: Mary Barbour, Gloria Rose, Margaret Callaghan, Sister Letitia, D.C. – Spiritual Moderator and an unidentified...
by webmaster | Aug 10, 2012
Members of the Ladies of Charity of the Archdiocese of Washington in attendance at a LCUSA National Assembly.