On March 19, 2016, the Montgomery County LOC hosted the Annual St. Louise de Marillac Communion Brunch at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church located in Bethesda, MD. Rev. Philip Simo, OSB, the ADW Spiritual Advisor was the Principal Celebrant of the Mass. During the luncheon, Ms. Mary Hand, ADW President introduced the guest speaker Sister Mary Victor Powers, DC – Spiritual Moderator of the Pittsburgh Diocese LOC. Sr. Powers was accompanied by several members of the Association of Ladies of Charity for the Diocese of Pittsburgh lead by the LCUSA Middle Atlantic Regional VP, Ms. Peggy Keene. In addition to Sr. Powers, a presentation was given by Ms. Stacy Steiner-Chambers, President of the Pittsburgh LOC Diocese on “Growing the Ladies of Charity: Membership Initiatives/Recruiting & Parish/Diocesan Activities.” The Co-Chairpersons for the Junior Ladies of Charity of Pittsburgh, Ms. Nancy Bianculli and Ms. Mary Diaddigo made presentations as well regarding the Junior LOC. All the information shared was very helpful to the ADW Ladies. A good time was held by all.